
チケット購入方法について Ticket information


拝啓 炎暑の候、皆様におかれましては、健やかにお過ごしのことと拝察いたします。





(株)シンカトリ TEL:052-541-2696


Dear visitors,

We currently admit visitors who have booked our museum in advance only.

Please call or email us in advance at least one day before your visit. There is no additional fee for the booking except for the normal admission fee.

In order to enter the museum, please visit the reception on the first (ground) floor. It can be found at the entrance of the parking area, directly under the “P” sign. It is easily identifiable and located just to the right of the entrance as you face the building.

You need to pay for the ticket at the reception, which costs 2,000 yen for general admission and 1,000 yen for university/high school students. Admission is free for middle school students and younger.

We accept only cash, and it is not allowed to use credit cards.

The museum is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with the last admission at 4:30 PM.
It is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. However, it will be open if booked in advance, at least 3 days before your visit.

Thank you for your understanding.


Shinkatori TEL:052-541-2696
